Thursday, December 27, 2012

u b a n = w h i t e h a i r !

Antara kita, samada yang sudah berumur ataupun masih belasan mudanya, pasti pernah atau telah mengalami masalah rambut beruban, kann??

Persoalannya, apakah punca yang menyebabkan rambut menjadi putih?
Siapakah dalang disebalik masalah ini?
Bahayakah ia?

Dengarkan jawapan yang diperoleh dari kelas pengajian sel (histology) saya bersama Dr. Imad Matloub sebentar tadi.

" The white hair forms due to the following factors:
1. decrease activity of melanoctytes
(fyi, setiap orang mempunyai bilangan melanocyte yang sama, tetapi keaktifannya berbeza-beza. Maknanya, orang Cina aktiviti melanocyte mereka rendah, sebab itu mereka putih. Kita Melayu, aktivitiya tinggi sedikit, sebab itu kita berkulit lebih gelap berbanding mereka)

2. appearance of air bubbles in the hair follicle that reflects the light
( Sebelum ini struktur rambut kita adalah mampat, jadi ia kelihatan gelap kerana memantulkan cahaya. Tetapi disebabkan adanya gelembung2 udara pada struktur rambut, ia berkebolehan memantulkan cahaya, lalu rambut kita kelihatan putih."

hurmm... begitulah sejarah kedatangan 'white hair' di kulit kepala kita secara ringkasnya.

Di bawah saya sertakan gambar rambut peninggalan kekasih kita Muhammad SAW. Menakjubkan tak?

Ikuti sunnah Rasulullah menjaga rambut:

1. Cara menyisir : “Sesungguhnya Rasulullah saw., dulunya menyisir rambutnya ke belakang,sedangkan orang-orang musyrik menyisir rambut mereka ke kiri dan ke kanan,dan Ahlul Kitab menyisir rambutnya ke belakang. Selama tidak ada perintah lain, Rasulullah saw. senang menyesuaikan diri dengan Ahlul Kitab. Kemudian,Rasulullah saw. menyisir rambutnya ke kiri dan ke kanan.”

2. Menginaikan rambut dan janggut yg beruban dengan inai merah (bukan hitam). Mengikut kebanyakan ahli fikir mazhab Syafie, inai hitam adalah haram kecuali ketika brjihad fi sabilillah.

3. Meminyakkan rambut. 

Senang untuk diamalkan bukan?? jom tiru gaya Nabi menjaga rambut. Allah pasti redha :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

a long way to SWIMMING ^.^

alhamdulilah ALHAMDULILLAH alhamdulillah
(saya bersyukur kpd Allah)
ungkapan tu saja terasa seolah x cukup untuk mengungapkan rasa syukur pd Allah.

he never failed to surprise me.

monolog kisah silam:
dulu waktu UJAM recommend suh amik lesen diving
diri mcm reluctant gila.
malu la nk swim, 
mcm2 bg alasan pada ujam
cakap swim adlh satu riadhah yg sexy lah,
n mahal lah sbb nk amik diving je kos boleh cecah rm1000++ !!

tp tu la Allah kata, nk benci atau suka sesuatu kena berpada-pada (aka be moderate..)
sbb boleh jadi apa yg kita suka sebenarnye x baik utk kita,
n boleh jadi jgk, apa yg kita benci amatlah baik untuk kita.
HE is all Knowing !!

sekarang :
Allah buka banyak jalan utk aku swim..
start dengan mula2 timbul minat dekat satu resort dlm Port Dickson ( waktu Fastrain sem 1 2011/2012 )
ktorg berenang ramai2
lepas berenang ase sihat gila.
satu perasaan sihat yg dirembes dari hormon suka iaitu serotonin ( x sure betul x .. ^_^ )
start dari tu terus cakap2 ngn kawan2 terdekat kata nk masuk kelas renang.

dari hari
ke hari

hari ni Allah bg jalan.
dekat RAFEST ada booth jual swimmimg suit (booth kawan bernama Shalina, seorg yg ayu n amat sopan)
n tibe2 terbeli sepasang! 
sbb mula2 plan nk beli dekat mid..
tp Allah kata "sakinah, x perlu nk jalan jaoh2, Aku dah letak depan mata kau ni.."
n jimat banyak.. kt sini rm90 da blh dapat
dekat mid maybe dlm rm150++ kot

selang sehari lepas tu (iaitu hari entry ini ditaip)
Nazira mesej kata dekat Gombak ada kelas renang.
transport dari PJ ke Gombak disediakan!
hanya bayar rm10 utk makan minum je..
selama 2 sesi ( 19 n 24 feb)
*saya ngn Naz da xcited gila waktu tu! terus amik contact no sis yg incharge sal ni and called.


walaupun saya masih belum pasti gi kelas renang tu betul2 dpt berenang ke tak at d end of the session,
tp at least saya try.. (confront the fear n try it out!)
Allah dah mudahkan segala2nya buat saya

betul janji Allah
"barang siapa bertawakkal kepada Allah nescaya Dia akan mbukakan jalan keluar baginya.
dan Dia mberi rezeki dari arah yg tidak disangka2nya,
dan barangsiapa bertawakkal kpd Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan kperluannya.
sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusanNya... "

Thursday, February 9, 2012

^ Bilal The Muazzin ^

background : 
Bilal adalah salah seorang daripada sahabat-sahabat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang paling terkenal. Dia merupakan muazzin atau juru azan di Masjid Nabi. Dia merupakan seorang hamba Habshi yang dimiliki oleh seorang kafir di Mekah.

penderaan :
Pengislamannya telah menimbulkan kemarahan yang tidak keruan didalam hati pemiliknya. Dia pun diazabkan tanpa perikemanusiaan. Umayyah bin Khalaf, pemusuh ISLAM yang terkemuka yang memiliki Bilal akan membaringkannya atas pasir yang panas membakar serta meletakkan batu besar diatas dadanya sehingga ia tidak dapat menggerakkan tulangnya yang lapan kerat. Kemudian berkatalah Umayyah kepada Bilal:"Tinggalkanlah agamamu. Kalau tidak matilah kamu dalam kepanasan matahari yang tegak." 

Bilal menjawab dengan berkata:"Ahad, Ahad..(Tuhan Yang Esa)." 


Pada waktu malam ia didera dengan cemeti sehingga badannya luka. Pada waktu siang pula, dia dibaringkan diatas pasir yang panas. Tuannya berharap yang ia akan meninggalkan agamanya atau pun mati akibat luka-luka dibadannya. Namun demikian Bilal masih tetap dengan pendiriannya yang teguh. Umayyah, Abu Jahal dan pengikut-pengikut mereka menyiksa Bilal secara bergilir-gilir. 

penebusan : 
Akhirnya Abu Bakar telah menebuskannya dan dari sejak itu hiduplah ia sebagai seorang Muslim yang bebas. Semenjak ia dibebaskan, dia sentiasa berdampingan dengan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sehingga Baginda s.a.w. wafat. Selepas kewafatan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., Bilal pun meninggalkan Kota Madinah. 
mimpi nabi :

Pada suatu ketika dia telah melihat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dalam mimpinya. Berkata Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. kepada Bilal: "Wahai Bilal, mengapakah kamu tidak melawatku?" 


Sebaik-baik sahaja dia bangun dari tidurnya, dia pun bersiap-siap untuk berangkat ke Madinah. Setibanya dia dikota itu dia telah berjumpa dengan Hassan dan Hussain, cucunda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Mereka menyuruh dia berazan.Permintaan orang yang dicintainya itu tidak dapat ditolak. Apabila suara Bilal berkumandang diruang angkasa Kota Madinah, penduduk-penduduknya pun tanpa segan dan silu menghamburkan air mata mereka kerana teringat zaman keemasan yang telah mereka lalui semasa hidupnya kekasih mereka Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

kewafatan :
Sekali lagi Bilal telah meninggalkan Kota Madinah dan akhirnya meninggal dunia di Damsyik pada tahun Hijiriah yang ke dua puluh.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

the valley of patience

the valley of patience.
is where Joseph rejected the offer of Zulaikha in the house of al-Aziz

Joseph : a very handsome guy, young and of  perfect qualities.
Zulaikha : a very beautiful woman, wealthy and of high social standing. *bagaimanapun, beliau adalah isteri kpd al-Aziz... *

let's say this is Zulaikha..
what actually happened?
one day, Zulaikha tried to take Joseph to herself and she offered herself to him. this she did because of her strong love to Joseph due to his good looks, good character and intelligence.
Zulaikha had the 'intention' to Joseph and so he did. ( that's normal because all man are born with hawa nafsu.) but what made this story abnormal is that how Joseph managed to fight against his lust and turned himself to Allah praying to make Zulaikha's temptation ineffective. it was granted by God!

why Joseph refused to turn to Zulaikha?
he did this, although he knew no one was there watching them, because of his fear to Allah and he really hoped for His rewards and mercy. Joseph preferred to be imprisoned over the offer made by the wife of al-Aziz.

Rasulullah SAW had once said : "There are seven groups who will be given shade by Allah at a time when there will be no shade except His shade (on the Day of Judgment):...[one of which is:], someone who was invited (for illegal sexual intercourse) by a beautiful and prominent woman, but he replied, 'I fear Allah.'"

here's a song entitled  " VALLEY " by Kareem Salama.
see how each and everyone of us is tested by Allah the same as Joseph was.
and ask ourselves 'have we ever turned to god everytime we are tested? if dont, then to whom we turned to?'

yes, kita sudah CUKUP UMUR...
adakah kita sudah CUKUP MUSLIM?? 
iaitu muslim pada nama juga karakter.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

novel 1 : contengan jalanan

currently feeling so DEMOTIVATED?? numb and BORING?
atau x sedap duduk macam cacing kepanasan??
or maybe suffering a declining level of faith?

i have an idea!
try to read this BOOK at home!

title : Contengan Jalanan
author : Hlovate ( an underground author whom recently staying at Canada )
genre : a true sroty, motivational, Islamic
rating : 3.8 stars! ( dapat anugerah dekan da ni.. :p )
price : RM21 only.. ( may differs according to places )

it's a book with two stories of two main characters, like u can see in the above picture, namely K2 and Fend!
a story of how they finally find God and the true meaning of life. life is not merely about music and arts, its beyond them.
u may find lots of songs and new terms of musical instruments through your reading.

have a blast!!!!

sandwiches makeover!

Last Friday morning, Che Uda asked me to go to her school as they were having a friendly camp there, between the local students and the Siamese. what impressed me is the uniform that the Siamese students were wearing actually. they got green maxi skirts with a green blouse and a beige necktie for the females which made it looked like a curtain for me. a beautiful and neat curtain.

so Che Uda had to handle the sandwiches makeover competition. she divided the students into groups and some bread, tomato, chili, salt, mayonaise, cucumber n daun pandan were given to each goups. they have to use the given materials to decorate their sandwiches as creative as possible.

here is the picture of sandwich from the 1st prize winner.. * ce tengok creative x creative budak2 ni.... *
i thought the concept here is Secret Garden as they have red flowers and green leaves there. betol ke???

thank God that the group i was helping had shockingly got the 4th prize. ^___________^
if u could see below that the sandwiches were wrapped with daun pandan bcz we actually wanted to portray the concept of Tupperware..but unfortunately it didn't look like Tupperware much!

and here i also got the chance to learn how to make a red rose from a tomato.
hanya kopek kulit tomato tu tanpa putus and pusing2 sikit, maka u will get like shown below..  how lovely it is, jz like the real one!


i'm so glad that God brought me there. although its quite boring to just sitting and staring at the students running in front of me as they got urged by the trainer, but at least i learnt one new thing and create one new experience in life. ALHAMDULILLAH...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

.: the first trial :.

on friday, 14 Oct 2011, i was asked by Kak Zatirunnadah to deliver a short tazkirah magrib in front of nursing students at Kolej Insaniah,USM. This is my 1st time ever to deliver a speech to people of older age. I was quite reluctant to accept this offer at first but yea, It is a very miraculous thing that i finally accept that offer! coz i believe that everyone has their own FIRST TIMES..

actually, I started doing this kind of part time job since my third sem in CFS PJ as i was asked by Aini to be one of the facilitators for the study circles cunducted by LTD ( Leadership n Training Dept ).  No, Aini didnt actually ask me, she FORCED me into this, like she always did..

It might be a bit difficult at first when you just start doing this job, but insyAllah u'll finally manage to muster all the courage n confidence needed after going through 2-3 trials of giving out speeches.. As promised by Allah in His words to help those who are in the path of Allah.

so at the first place, my topic for this Friday was supposed to be ABU HURAIRAH AND THE AYATUL KURSI. but at the middle of the speech i jz realised that the thing i was talking about is the TYPES OF SATANs actually, not Abu Hurairah anymore. although i was like losing the track, but it went all right. Alhamdulilah. Satan? who are they? its quite important to know them so that we can be aware of their whispers.. * x kenal maka x waspada kan...??? *

Types of Satans :

they might look like this!
 1. ZALITTUN : they are in the pasar or shopping complex. whispering at our ears to spend more than needed.
2. WATHIIN : their targets are those who are tested by Allah with calamities, to have bad thought on Him.
3. A'AWAN : their targets are the rulers and leaders, to be so proud and forget about their responsibilities.
4. HAFFAF : their targets are the drinkers and they are always at the night clubs and every place place selling alcohol.
5. MURRAH : their targets are those who like musics and entertainment, for not to remember Allah.
6. MASUUD : they are at our tounges, to lead us badmouthing others at every chance.
7. DAASIM : they are at the door of our houses. when we enter our house without salam, they get into our houses too, trying to destroy the family bondage.
8. WALAHAN : they are together with us when we start to perform our daily prayers, trying to lead our mind astray from remembering Allah and leave us in 'was-was'.
9. LAKHUUS : they befriend with Majusi.

* the above highlighted terms are the names of satans whom i think are very close to us...